Office of Alumni Affairs

Office Of Alumni Affairs

The main focus of our office is to support Fisk University. 每个捐赠人都有他或她自己独特的捐赠理由, and for that reason, various giving opportunities and designations exist. Moreover, 因为一个人的个人财务状况可能会随着时间的推移而改变, gifts may take on various forms, from outright gifts of cash, to securities, or even tangible property like works of art. 无论您如何支持学校,菲斯克都欢迎并感谢您的慷慨.

Unrestricted Gifts

不受限制的礼物对菲斯克来说很有价值,因为它们很灵活. 这些捐赠使大学能够在最需要的地方分配资金,并利用出现的独特机会. 不受限制的礼物通常用于抵消与经济援助等相关的成本, teaching innovations, research and equipment, and facilities. 您的无限制捐献将在您捐献的财政年度(年度基金)内使用。.

Designated and Restricted Gifts

捐献也可以指定给菲斯克的特定计划、团体或优先领域. 这些礼物使捐献人感到支持一个对他或她有个人意义的计划的满足. 指定及限制捐赠也可标示为当前使用或捐赠. 经常使用奖助金在短期内提供资金,并在您捐献该奖助金的会计年度内使用(年度基金)。, 而捐赠礼物的目的是在较长一段时间内提供财务保障.


Our Staff 

Sheila Smith
Associate Vice President for Alumni Development
Division of Institutional Advancement
Phone: 615-329-8710

Ways To Give

Credit Card Electronic Transfer

Credit Card


Credit Card Online
You can use our secure payment form to make an online donation.

Credit Card by Phone
Please call 615 329-8710. 我们需要您的姓名、信用卡号和有效日期、街道地址和邮政编码. 在打电话的时候,一定要更新你的联系方式.

Credit Card by Mail
Please send your credit card number, expiration date, a daytime phone number, and instructions on your gift intent to:

Fisk University
Office of Advancement Services
Division of Institutional Advancement
1000 17th Ave N.
Nashville, TN 37208

Electronic Transfer

有了电子资金转帐(EFT),你就可以给菲斯克送礼物,而不用麻烦地写支票, paying postage or receiving a reminder. 您可以享受银行将您每月的捐款转寄给菲斯克的便利和可靠. 它节省了通过邮件定期发送礼物的工作量,并消除了Fisk花费在承诺提醒上的成本, postage and other administrative costs. It puts your gift to work quickly and easily.

Check Or Money Order


Fisk University
Office of Advancement Services
Division of Institutional Advancement
1000 17th Ave. N.
Nashville, TN 37208

Marketable Securities

在你的礼物计划过程中使用有价证券可能对你和菲斯克都非常有价值. When considering what to give or how to fulfill a pledge, 已经升值的股票可能是一个非常有吸引力的选择. 赠予有价证券可以让你避免股票增值的资本利得税,并允许你获得赠予股票的全部市场价值的所得税减免.

Planned Giving

Planned giving is the integration of personal, 具有慈善梦想和慈善目标的财务和遗产规划目标. 我们的想法是在你支持澳门皇冠赌场平台的同时,最大限度地提高效率和效益. 有计划的赠与包括生前和死后的赠与, 并包括(但不限于)使用遗嘱制作礼物, trusts, life insurance, marketable securities, real estate, and IRA’s or retirement plan assets.


通过遗嘱以遗赠的形式给予是一种流行的有计划的礼物策略. 让菲斯克成为你遗嘱的受益人可能会减少遗产税,也可能让你得到一份比你原本考虑的更大的礼物. 当你规划遗嘱时,请考虑让菲斯克成为你部分或全部遗产的受益人. 这样的礼物有资格在死亡时获得无限的慈善扣除,应该被视为你整体遗产规划过程中可行的一部分.

LIfe Insurance

大大增加你送给菲斯克的礼物价值的一个方法是使用人寿保险的杠杆作用. 你可以将一份现有保单赠与他人,或者指定菲斯克为受益人. 一些捐赠人每年捐赠,以支付菲斯克拥有并作为受益人应付的人寿保险单的保险费. 人寿保险是一种独特的方式,可以在你去世时将一小笔保险费转化为一笔数额大得多的礼物.

IRA's and Retirement Plans

这些资产作为资金来源的价值往往是现金或其他资产的几倍. 因为大多数退休计划和个人退休账户在供款和积累期间都没有纳税, they are usually subject to both income and estate taxes. 给予个人退休账户或退休计划资产可以为你和你的家人提供显著的税收优惠. Using IRA assets to make a gift, for example, 是否可以在您生前减少或取消使用这些资金的所得税,并在您去世时绕过遗产税.

Real Estate

Many people make gifts of real estate to Fisk. Residential, commercial, 或者,未经改良的土地可以直接或通过信托的方式给予. Utilizing a charitable remainder trust, for example, may allow you to gift appreciated real estate, receive an income stream for you or your family, reduce or eliminate capital gains tax, receive an income tax deduction, and make a gift to Fisk.